Visiting Professor : Structure-Integrated Augmentation Rhinoplasty for Asians : The Bangkok Touch University


The Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is proud to present an International Visiting Professor Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Kidakorn Kiranantawat, MD, FRCST which was held on February 19 2024 at the Surgical Science Meeting Room, Prof. Hospital. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah.

This event will be moderated by dr. I Gusti Ayu Putri Purwanthi, Sp. B.P.R.E. where after the lecture from the main speaker, the event will be continued with a case presentation by Dr. Jenisa Amanda Sandiarini Kamayana, MRes, PPDS-1 Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Udayana Faculty of Medicine.

We hope that this discussion will take place well and interactively, by allowing residents to share their experiences or the various cases they have encountered